…How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!
Romans 10:15
What’s happening at Sophia Fellowship
January - 2025
Click on the news link for an update on political unrest continuing in Mozambique.
Good News: The pastors continue to meet weekly to study. They practice spiritual formation, closeness, and harmony with the Holy Spirit through Welcoming Prayer.
Continue to pray as people are recovering from the storm. Many people have lost their clothes, homes, and phones. Many have not been able to return to work. Food is becoming more available, however, businesses are keeping food prices high. If you would like to donate to the storm recovery efforts or continued pastoral training and development, click the link below, and designate your preference.
December - 2024
Politics and Elections - Tragic Storm - Support from our Church Family
This is from Pastor J and Pastor G,
They are showing their gratitude 🙏🏾 to RiverChurch family.
Today they have ceremony in open area and worship
together and after everything they got to get food and said
they will take this food and share with their neighbors.
Thanks 🙏🏾 for your prayers and support brothers.
They also send blessings in prayers to River church family.
Gratitude coming from Pastor G:
November - 2024
Pastoral training continues. The team of seven pastors and ministers have completed their Basic Biblical Counseling and Contemplative Prayer courses. Next, we will take a break from coursework as we appropriate what we’ve learned in our church lives, our home lives, and our daily walk with Christ in the world. We are reading through Welcoming Prayer to stay present with the Lord through the 24-hour day, submitting every thought to Christ, and allowing the words of Galatians 2:20 to come alive in us. Beginning in January, we will start our last planned course - Leadership. God willing, we can present certificates in person next year.
It continues to be tough times in Mozambique. They dealt with insurgents, incredible violence and persecution, and now an uprising and strike against election results. Even this has led to violence. Striking means no income in a time where putting food on the table is already more of a challenge than most of us can fathom.
We will put some links to familiar news sources below so you can get caught up with and pray for this country and the men and women serving God, being a light to all they encounter.
Pastoral training continues. The team of seven pastors and ministers have completed their Basic Biblical Counseling and Contemplative Prayer courses. Next, we will take a break from coursework as we appropriate what we’ve learned in our church lives, our home lives, and our daily walk with Christ in the world. We are reading through Welcoming Prayer to stay present with the Lord through the 24-hour day, submitting every thought to Christ, and allowing the words of Galatians 2:20 to come alive in us. Beginning in January, we will start our last planned course - Leadership. God willing, we can present certificates in person next year.
It continues to be tough times in Mozambique. They dealt with insurgents, incredible violence and persecution, and now an uprising and strike against election results. Even this has led to violence. Striking means no income in a time where putting food on the table is already more of a challenge than most of us can fathom.
We will put some links to familiar news sources below so you can get caught up with and pray for this country and the men and women serving God, being a light to all they encounter.
Mozambique Intelligence Report
May 1, 2024
Cabo Delgado with tears of blood
February 19, 2024
Video of Village Evacuation:
Many of the photos below came from the I’lam Foundation website. We have translated the Arabic inscriptions next to each photo.
Warning - images in the links below contain graphic violence, including beheadings and executions of men and women. The images are not appropriate for children to view.
Photos of Attacks on Civilians and Military - 2/17/2024
Photos of Attacks on Civilians and Military - 2/18/2024
Photos of Attacks on Civilians - 2/22/2024
Video of Civilian Executions - 2/17/2024