Contemplative Prayer

Study of Contemplation

A discussion about silence and Contemplative Prayer, listen to Will Joseph’s (pastor of Arohanui Church in Havelock North, NZ) interview with Steve Redenbaugh (Founder of Sophia Fellowship).

Lectio Divina: Monday 7:30am - 8:10 am EST

Link to Zoom meeting Email for information or assistance joining this meeting.

Study & Centering Prayer: Friday 7:30 - 8:10 am EST

Join us by clicking the Zoom link below or email us for more information.

Link to Zoom meeting

For a pdf copy of the workbook, email

Study of Contemplation

So many Christians are craving to know God more. We know that the knowledge of God comes primarily through studying scripture and living among others who love God. There is another activity that we observe in the life of Jesus. He craved to be alone with God. He escaped, physically when possible to the desert to pray or when that was not possible, to his “inner room.” A place that regardless to what was going on around him, he could silent his mind and listen to his Father.

We want to share the journey of contemplation with you. We practice silence (Centering Prayer) and prayerful reading of Scripture (Lectio Divina), and the continuous walk with awareness of the Holy Spirit’s presence and action (Welcoming Prayer). These terms and methods are not required to know God or live contemplative lives. But teachers such as Thomas Keating and ministries such as Contemplative Outreach has provided excellent teaching and tools. We have combined these Catholic traditions with Protestant teachings of teachers like Oswald Chambers, Eugene Peterson, Charles Solomon and Dr. John Woodward. Essentially, growing toward Christ-centered lives and a contemplative walk.

Subjects that you will see here and in subsequent newsletters under Study of Contemplation:

-Scripture is always our reference point

-Models of prayer in the Bible

-History of Contemplation

-Why is it needed, or is it?

-Counseling and Discipleship

-Holy Spirit Filled

-Definitions and Discussion

-Mysticism, Meditation, Contemplation, Silence

-Exchanged Life

-Centering Prayer

-Welcoming Prayer

-Lectio Divina